Know-how tourism & regional appeal

Know-how tourism meets expectations for a more sustainable form of tourism, anchored in local areas, promoting know-how, with economic spin-offs for businesses, and constituting for them a tool for attracting trades and recruitment. Know-how tourism is a French speciality, with 20 million visitors by 2022, and a growing number of businesses open to the public: 2,000 in 2019 and 3,500 by 2022. (Source: DGE)

Transmission & training

The EPV label is a key tool for preserving and passing on skills of excellence.

By providing financial support, training apprentices and documenting techniques, it ensures the preservation of living heritage and craft and industrial traditions. Artistic residencies can complement this scheme, promoting intergenerational exchange and artistic creation nourished by ancestral know-how.

By joining the EPV label, you are contributing to the preservation and transmission of exceptional know-how, the guarantor of a unique cultural and economic wealth.

Business Intelligence & Forecasting

At a time when the economy is being transformed by technological, climatic and social change, ancient know-how has never been more relevant. Working with materials and rooted in a particular region, EPVs stand out for their perfect fit with modern issues. According to current estimates, arts and crafts represent more than 60,000 companies and 150,000 professionals, with cumulative sales estimated at 19 billion euros in 2019, including 8 billion in exports. This ecosystem relies 80% on the creativity and expertise of independent craftspeople. As a major heritage asset and a sector of the future for the French economy, fine crafts can play a considerable role in an economy that is more respectful of individuals and resources. 

Find out more

Discover the EPVs in each region who are members of the Excellence Network, and the teams who run it every day. Sign up with the network in your region to join us!