
Réseau Excellence represents a diverse group of companies of varying sizes, with expertise in sectors as varied as decoration, built heritage and gastronomy.

Connect & reunite

Visits to workshops, meetings... Getting to know each other is essential to exchanging and sharing ideas on the subjects that occupy or preoccupy EPVs. Given their great diversity, ranging from one-man craft workshops to mid-sized companies, the EPV base represents a cross-section of the French economy and its difficulties, particularly when it comes to passing on know-how. But being an EPV is above all a strength. France's economic fabric can count on these craft and industrial companies to master the exceptional skills that contribute to our country's brand image. France is one of the few countries in the world to pursue an active policy of preserving and developing arts and crafts and living heritage. It's important to remember that 80% of companies with the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant label export. And for 16% of them, international markets account for the majority of their business.

Supporting & growing

How can you structure and perform better? Réseau Excellence offers collective development tools for companies, focusing on a variety of themes:

  • training, with the preservation and transmission of know-how, particularly for "orphan" professions
  • CSR, as a virtuous growth lever (see below)
  • financing adapted to the production and sales cycle of EPVs, particularly for intangible investments
  • support for international development, a major challenge for EPVs
  • adapting technical standards to the specific characteristics of companies that are often more than a century old
  • specific taxation for EPVs, and possible tax credits,
  • AI and new technologies, at the service of creativity and creation
  • etc.

Represent & influence

The aim of Réseau Excellence is to promote the label and the companies that hold it, in close collaboration with the Institut pour les Savoir-faire Français, and to speak with one voice to the government, members of parliament, local authorities and other organizations. Art and living heritage crafts are essential to the upkeep of our built heritage, but they also feed certain industrial sectors such as fashion and luxury goods. In addition to the well-known major groups, this sector benefits from the know-how and creativity of a network of workshops and subcontractors capable of creating exceptional pieces. While the contribution of these trades to our country's economy is undeniable, we must not overlook the fact that the companies employing them are often fragile, modest in size and sometimes struggle to recruit qualified personnel, even though human capital, even more than materials, represents a major share of the added value produced. The smallest among them - and there are many of them - are also finding it increasingly difficult to position themselves in an increasingly competitive market. It's against this backdrop that public support schemes such as the "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (EPV) scheme come into their own, and must be promoted to all sectors of the public.


In essence, our companies are structures that value people and are deeply committed to promoting and preserving our country's living heritage. We firmly believe that our companies have an essential role to play in enhancing the sustainable development of our territories.

The corporate social responsibility dynamic is felt in every one of our companies. Some have expressed the need for support in structuring their information and deepening their commitment, while those who are most advanced in the field will be able to share their expertise. This is the background to the project proposed by INMA and ANEPV as part of the France 2030 "Green Alternatives 2" call for projects.

This project will enable EPV companies from all regions and sectors to share their best practices on a single platform, and to assess their progress using a scale of criteria specific to their business. We will be able to qualify and quantify CSR developments for EPV companies, and help smaller structures to join this common dynamic.

Find out more

Discover the EPVs in each region who are members of the Excellence Network, and the teams who run it every day. Sign up with the network in your region to join us!