Creation of the EPV association with 126 members...
Réseau Excellence operates on a not-for-profit basis as part of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), under the French law of 1901.
Réseau Excellence brings together companies in each region that have been awarded the "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (EPV) label.
Its mission is to coordinate a regional and national network of these EPV companies, with the aim of strengthening communication between them and contributing to their development by supporting them in such important areas as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), for example.
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Creation of the EPV association with 126 members...
1st EPV Parliamentary Meeting under the patronage of the President of the Senate, at the Palais du Luxembourg
Creation of the EPV association 1st participation in MIF Expo - Made in France trade fair
1st participation in the International Cultural Heritage Fair Contribution to the launch of France Brand
Creation of the Normandie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine associations Special EPV issue of Beaux-Arts Magazine
Creation of the Pays de la Loire and Centre-Val de Loire associations
Creation of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France and Occitanie associations
1st edition of the Great Exhibition of Made in France at the Élysée Palace - 30 EPVs represented
Creation of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté associations Partnership with the Dubai 2020 World Expo - Export mission to Dubai with 8 EPV companies Sending of a VIE (International Business Volunteer) to the United Arab Emirates as part of the Export Relaunch Plan
Living Heritage Companies Show in Lyon
Creation of the Ile-de-France association Announcement of the national strategy in favor of arts and crafts 1st Bpifrance "gas pedal program" dedicated to crafts and EPV companies 1st Meeting of French know-hows
EPV associations become Réseau Excellence