Tristan de Witte
President of Réseau Excellence President of RIVALEN
The Réseau Excellence organization is closely linked to France's craft and industrial ecosystems, of which it is now a key player.
The Ordinary General Meeting is held at least once a year and comprises all paid-up members of the association.
It deliberates on future orientations. It appoints or renews members of the Board of Directors. It also sets the annual membership fee.
After deliberation, the General Meeting votes on the annual report or activity report, and on the accounts for the financial year.
Decisions are taken by a majority of members present.
The association is managed by a Board of Directors made up of :
President of Réseau Excellence President of RIVALEN
Vice-Chairman of Réseau Excellence Director of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France
Director of Muzéo
Vice-Chairman of Réseau Excellence Vice-Chairman of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Chairman of Rinck
General Secretary and Treasurer of Réseau Excellence Director of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Chairman of Gainerie 91
Chairman of the Institut pour les Savoir-faire Français Chairman of Réseau Excellence Normandie President, Tricots SAINT JAMES
Président de la Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale Conseiller maître à la Cour des Comptes Conseiller régional en région Ile-de-France
President of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Director, Maison du Vitrail
President of Réseau Excellence Occitanie Manager of Poteries d'Albi
President of Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France Managing partner of Lemaitre Demeestere
Chairman, Réseau Excellence Bourgogne-Franche-Comté CEO, La Compagnie Dumas
President of Réseau Excellence Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur CEO of Savonnerie du Midi
Chairman, Réseau Excellence Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Manager of Les Étains de Lyon
President of Réseau Excellence Centre-Val de Loire Manager, Jourdant et fils
Réseau Excellence Grand-Est HORUS SAS
Chairman of Réseau Excellence Pays de la Loire Managing Director, Société Choletaise de Fabrication
To join Réseau Excellence, you must :
The Board of Directors may refuse membership, giving reasons for its decision.
Membership fees are set each year by the General Meeting on the recommendation of the Board of Directors.