The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has 288 companies with the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label. They employ 12,265 people and have a combined turnover of €1.5 billion.
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The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has 288 companies with the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label. They employ 12,265 people and have a combined turnover of €1.5 billion.
Created in 2021, the EPV's Regional Association of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté spotlights the region's unique businesses that combine innovation and tradition, expertise and creativity, hard work and …
In the process of being set up, the regional association is now supported by the national structure and already has a number of EPV members to its credit.
Created in 2018, the Centre - Val de Loire association is currently being relaunched to resume its mission in a region particularly rich in EPVs.
In the process of being set up, the regional association is now supported by the national structure and already has a number of EPV members to its credit.
Since 2019, the Hauts-de-France association to support and promote the know-how of the region's EPVs.
Created in 2023, the association brings together the great names in French savoir-faire, both in the heart of the capital and in neighboring towns, whose historic renown continues to contribute to …
Réseau Excellence en Normandie is represented by ARSEN (Association Régionale des Savoir-faire d'Excellence Normands), which brings together EPV and the region's crafts.
Created in 2024, l'Association des Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant of the New-Aquitaine region aims at connecting EPVs and promote the label.
Created in 2019, the Occitanie association is working to support and promote the region's know-how.
Founded in 2018, the Association Régionale des EPV en Pays de la Loire promotes the region's emblematic companies that excel in innovation and know-how, preserving heritage and anticipating the …
Created in 2021, the association deploys its action in favor of the know-how of the Southern region. Its mission is to federate, represent and promote companies in the South of France with the EPV …