
Since 2019, the Hauts-de-France association to support and promote the know-how of the region's EPVs.

Table of contents


  • Create the Hauts-de-France regional network in liaison with the existing national network of companies awarded the "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (EPV) label by the French government.
  • Participate in the actions of regional associations pursuing the same goals, contributing to the expression of the needs/difficulties of companies in terms of recruitment and training, and to the implementation of the most appropriate solutions.
  • Contribute to initiatives aimed at safeguarding, preserving and passing on the rare craft and industrial skills of excellence in the Hauts-de-France region;
  • Enlist the support of all industrial and craft companies in the Hauts-de-France region that possess rare and exceptional know-how.
  • Organize actions for the benefit of certified companies in the Hauts-de-France region, in particular meetings, information exchanges, sponsorship, sales promotion and communication campaigns.
  • Set up partnerships with professional organizations, public organizations, local authorities, training bodies such as the Campus Métiers d'art et Qualification (CMQ), economic sectors (notably financial partners) and the media to support the development of EPV Hauts-de-France.
  • Promote the EPV (Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant) label in the Hauts-de-France region, in France and internationally.
  • Promote EPV companies to investment funds and banks, to help them obtain equity and quasi-equity financing. These actions are carried out in collaboration with the Institut National des Métiers d'Art (INMA).



    Olivier Ducatillion

    President of Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France Managing partner of Lemaitre Demeestere

    Max Vandermarlière

    Vice-president of Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France Manager Marbrerie Vandermarlière

    Claire Bricout

    General Secretary of Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France Atelier Patrice Bricout

    Bruno Toulemonde

    Vice Secretary General of Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France Managing Director of J. Toulemonde

    Patrick Couvreur

    Treasurer, Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France Administrative and Financial Director, Solstiss

    Marc-Antoine Kerkhof

    Vice-Treasurer of Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France Managing Director Tissage Art de Lys

    Patrice Bricout

    Member of Réseau Excellence Hauts-de-France CEO of Atelier Patrice Bricout




    Place des Artisans 59000 Lille FRANCE





    To join Réseau Excellence, you need to become a member of the regional association from which your company originates. Of course, your membership entitles you to all our activities throughout France! The annual membership fee is calculated according to your sales figures. To find out more, visit HelloAsso.