
Created in 2023, the association brings together the great names in French savoir-faire, both in the heart of the capital and in neighboring towns, whose historic renown continues to contribute to France's influence.


  • Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France federates EPV-labelled companies in the Ile-de-France region.
  • The association brings the specific issues of the EPV trades to the attention of decision-makers and the general public, coordinating a network of passionate entrepreneurs and communicating about these exceptional skills.


    Emmanuelle Andrieux

    President of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Director, Maison du Vitrail

    Éric Angiboust

    Vice-Chairman of Réseau Excellence Director of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France
    Director of Muzéo

    Benoît Béguin

    General Secretary of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Managing Director, Cornu 1887

    Valentin Goux

    Vice-Chairman of Réseau Excellence Vice-Chairman of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Chairman of Rinck

    Arnaud Haefelin

    General Secretary and Treasurer of Réseau Excellence Director of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Chairman of Gainerie 91

    Christophe Hubert

    Director of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Associate Director, Atelier Tourtoulou

    Franck Isel

    Vice-Secretary General of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Technical & Sales Manager at Cornu 1887

    Aurélie Kotska

    Director of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Managing Director, Ateliers Bernard Pictet

    Nicolas Merveilleux

    Treasurer of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France CEO of Rémy Garnier

    Christophe Nebout

    Director of Réseau Excellence Ile-de-France Manager of Nebout & Hamm




    4, place Saint-Germain des Prés 75006 Paris FRANCE

    Social Media


    Key Figures

    Réseau Excellence is a network of EPVs working every day at the heart of our territories.

    • 353labelled companies
    • 20% of EPVs are in the Paris region
    • 15733jobs mainly in fashion and beauty, furnishings and decoration, but also in culture, architecture and gastronomy.



    To join Réseau Excellence, you need to become a member of the regional association from which your company originates. Of course, your membership entitles you to all our activities throughout the country! The annual membership fee is calculated on the basis of your turnover. To find out more, visit HelloAsso.