
Réseau Excellence en Normandie is represented by ARSEN (Association Régionale des Savoir-faire d'Excellence Normands), which brings together EPV and the region's crafts.

ARSEN, created in 2017 with the support of the Normandy Region, aims to bring together, on a regional scale, companies united by their expertise. From a wide range of sectors (construction, textiles, beauty, luxury, industry, agri-food, decoration...), these are linked to a territory or have a direct relationship with the history of the Region. We don't know it enough, but our Normandy companies are known the world over for their expertise. Today, the association has 45 member companies, 2/3 of which have the EPV (Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant - Living Heritage Company) label, and is chaired by Luc Lesénécal (Chairman of Tricots Saint James).


ARSEN aims to create an industry of excellence in Normandy. The association's mission is to promote Normandy products, develop sales in France and abroad, pass on know-how and seek innovation. The aim is to create a network of exchanges and support between Normandy companies holding the state label "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (EPV) and Normandy companies with excellent know-how. The aim of the Normandy Region is to train young people and raise their awareness of the skills and expertise of these companies. This is why ARSEN is part of a global approach to attractiveness by developing know-how and business opportunities for its members.


    Luc Lesénécal

    Chairman of the Institut pour les Savoir-faire Français Chairman of Réseau Excellence Normandie President, Tricots SAINT JAMES

    Catherine Cousin

    Vice-President ARSEN Manager of Filt 1860

    Charles Yvon

    ARSEN Treasurer CEO of Le parapluie de Cherbourg company

    Fabienne Lebreton

    Secretary ARSEN CEO of Saint André Plastique

    Simon Philipot

    Assistant Secretary ARSEN CEO of Melchior et Balthazar

    Nicolas Comby

    Communications Manager ARSEN Sales Manager at RMAN SYNC




    1 rue de Beaufour 50240 Saint-James FRANCE


    • From Monday to Friday



    Key Figures

    Réseau Excellence is a network of EPVs working every day at the heart of our territories.

    • 58companies with EPV label
    • 4800jobs not relocatable
    • 750million euros in sales
    • 55% on average of export sales



    To join Réseau Excellence, you need to become a member of the regional association from which your company originates. Of course, your membership entitles you to all our activities throughout the country! The annual membership fee is calculated on the basis of your turnover. To find out more, please click here. (external link)