Discover the export mission during the Dubai World Expo

The Association Nationale des Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant and INMA, in conjunction with the Business France office in Dubai, have put together a project to send a Volontaire Internationale en Entreprise (VIE) to the United Arab Emirates to work in the EPV & Métiers d'art sector. This initiative is part of the French government's Export Recovery Plan.

On behalf of INMA and ANEPV, Tessa MASLIAH left at the end of September to join the Business France office in Dubai, with the mission of representing the collective interests of the EPV & Métiers d'art sector and identifying export development levers and opportunities for French companies in the sector in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait.

The United Arab Emirates and Dubai are a hub for design, architecture and decoration in the region. Tourism and urban development are boosting the country's activity and development, and Dubai has become a capital of luxury, brimming with opportunities in the contract market (hotels, restaurants, stores).

World Expo 2020, postponed until this year, will be held in Dubai from October 2021 to March 2022.

INMA and the Association Nationale des EPV (ANEPV) are proud to be partners. In parallel with this exhibition, Dubai Design Week will take place from November 8 to 13, with the Downtown Design Show featuring some of the world's leading furniture houses.

As November is the world's leading event for design and craftsmanship, the Institut National des Métiers d'Art (INMA) and ANEPV, in partnership with Business France, are offering an export mission to Dubai for companies with the Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Companies) label and craft professionals.

The aim of this mission is to promote the skills of excellence and develop the international aura of Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant and métiers d'art.

The mission is aimed at several business sectors:

- Design and architecture companies

- Companies involved in tableware, built heritage and decoration/furniture.

INMA and ANEPV are offering EPV and métiers d'art companies a special offer to take part in the export mission orchestrated by Business France during Dubai Design Week, in order to benefit from the week's focus and business opportunities. The mission includes, among other things, an introduction to the Arabian Peninsula market, two days of BtoB meetings on site and lunch at the French Pavilion at the World Expo.

In addition to the Business France offer for EPVs and métiers d'art, INMA and ANEPV are proposing a complementary and privileged offer to prepare companies for the export mission, as well as to animate free time on site.
