EPVs, sources of employment in the regions

1,448 - that's the number of companies with the Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label in 2021. These are companies with exceptional expertise that generate numerous jobs throughout France.

From glassmaking to footwear, jewelry to architecture, the Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label promotes French know-how. Created in 2005, the label is divided into eight categories: industrial equipment, architecture and built heritage, tableware, gastronomy, fashion and beauty, furnishings and decoration, leisure and transport, industrial, medical and mechanical equipment, and culture and communication.

For these often century-old companies, this label is a guarantee of quality on the international stage. "EPVs represent a breeding ground with strong export potential: they are financially sound, respect a socially responsible approach and master rare, highly technical traditional know-how. And let's not forget the importance of 'made in France'!" says Sébastien Vicente, head of the Art de Vivre category at Business France's export department.

Awarded by the Institut National des Métiers d'Arts (INMA) for a period of 5 years, the EPV label guarantees companies the possession of exceptional know-how. Recognition of the craftsmanship and industrial techniques mastered by over 69,000 employees.

Professions that are often prestigious and steeped in history, but which sometimes struggle to recruit despite the enthusiasm they arouse. Between 2020 and 2021, there will be an 8% increase in the number of EPVs in the field of architecture and built heritage, and a 7.5% increase in the field of craftsmanship.

For many years, these trades have helped to maintain a highly-technical industrial, manufacturing and craft fabric in areas where employment rates are the lowest in France. They also contribute to the maintenance of complete ecosystems around these skills (suppliers of materials, machines, training networks, etc.).

To find out more about the distribution of EPVs in France, click here : Source 

Source : INMA, 2021© Bpifrance 2024