A new national strategy to promote the arts and crafts

Ceramists, stonemasons, diamond cutters, carpenters or cabinetmakers... the art trades are professions of excellence and know-how. At a time when artificial intelligence is advancing, it is essential to preserve and promote these precious skills. To this end, a three-year national strategy has been launched for the arts and crafts sector. Details of this plan.

Jointly supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of the Economy, the aim of this plan is to strengthen government support for the sector through concrete measures to meet the expectations expressed by its players, focusing on five key areas: youth, training, territories, innovation and international.

Objectif : restructurer la filière des métiers d’art d’ici 2025

The plan to promote arts and crafts relies on national manufacturers and several associated organizations for its implementation: theInstitut National des Métiers d'Art, the Chambers of Trades and Crafts, Bpifrance, Business France, the Fondation du Patrimoine, the Association Nationale des Entreprises du Patrimoines Vivant (ANEPV), the Institut Français and the Banque des Territoires. Its aim is to create new synergies between private and public players. The plan is designed to give the arts and crafts sector the means and capacity to structure itself effectively. The aim is to conclude a strategic industry contract by 2025, in conjunction with private players, which will enable us to roll out a coherent and sustainable economic and cultural policy for the arts and crafts.

This objective represents a major economic challenge. According to current estimates, arts and crafts represent more than 60,000 companies and 150,000 professionals, with cumulative sales estimated at 19 billion euros in 2019, including eight billion in exports. A major heritage asset and sector of the future for the French economy, fine crafts can play a considerable role in an economy that is more respectful of people and resources.

To find out more, visit the Ministry's website. 

Ceramists, stonemasons, diamond cutters, carpenters or cabinetmakers... the art trades are professions of excellence and know-how. At a time when artificial intelligence is advancing, it is essential to preserve and promote these precious skills. To this end, a three-year national strategy has been launched for the arts and crafts sector. Spearheaded by both Rima Abdul Malak, Minister of Culture, and Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Trade, Crafts and Tourism, the aim of this plan is to strengthen public support for the sector through concrete measures to meet the expectations expressed by its players, around five key areas: youth, training, territories, innovation and international.