Exceptional Know-How Accelerator 2

The "Savoir-Faire d'Exception" Accelerator is designed to support the transformation and structuring of companies in the arts and crafts sector, giving them the keys they need to meet the challenges of business growth and social and environmental change.

This gas pedal, implemented by Bpifrance as part of the France 2030 plan, is an 18-month support program for company management teams, providing advice, training and networking.

The program is aimed at companies (SMEs and ETIs) in the art trades, whether they create goods and services, or contribute to heritage restoration (architecture and gardens, textiles, lighting, leather, ceramics, catering, entertainment, etc.).

Since 2022, an initial class of 25 craft companies has been benefiting from this program.

The program will run from December 11, 2023 to June 4, 2024.
