EPV x Wilmotte&Industries evening meeting

A look back at an evening of meetings and exchanges between living heritage companies and Jean-Michel Wilmotte, which brought together more than 40 top players in the decoration, built heritage, architecture and tableware sectors under the banner of creativity "à la française".

Initiated by the Association nationale des Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant (ANEPV), whose mission is to represent and support the network of excellence made up of companies holding the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label, these meetings aim to bring together, by market sector, holders of French know-how of excellence with creators and specifiers evolving in the spheres of high-facture.

ANEPV is delighted that the first edition of these meetings is taking place under the benevolent patronage of the famous architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, who has brought together in his agency some forty passionate and committed entrepreneurs who, like him, combine elegance and high standards for sustainable high-end production.

By bringing together the creative forces "made in France", the event promotes the development and influence of our French manufacturers, and heralds the emergence of unprecedented collaborations around exceptional projects.

I'm delighted to be invited to meet with other EPVs at Jean-Michel Wilmotte's home. It's an opportunity to get to know each other, or to see each other again, and to strengthen our ties. As convivial as it is business-like, this evening marks the launch of a collective which, I hope, will grow and endure. It will take the shape and ambitions we wish to give it, based on the joint action of the National and Regional EPV Associations.

Tristan De WittePresident of Réseau Excellence