How did watchmakers Gilles Vassort and Arnaud Joubert earn the EPV label?

Highly technical and unique: these are words that count for watch repairers Gilles Vassort and Arnaud Joubert, who have already been awarded the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label twice. These guardians of heritage, based in Loches (Indre-et-Loire), have met all the conditions required to distinguish themselves and survive.

After initial training as a luthier, Gilles Vassort qualified as a clockmaker (training at the Afpa, master's certificate...). He quickly became involved in the conservation of clocks in castles (Chambord, Chinon, Chaumont...) and monuments in several départements.

His proximity to Blois (a clock-making town renowned for its elaborately decorated timepieces and automatons that come to life every hour) gave him a taste for and experience in art mechanics and restoration. Patience, meticulousness, in-depth knowledge of art history and manufacturing techniques accompany his daily gestures. A precious and rare asset that he intends to pass on.

In 2008, Arnaud Joubert joined him. With a watchmaking CAP in his pocket, he perfected his skills alongside him, winning the Indre-et-Loire craftsmanship prize and then the regional prize in 2020.

Most of my teaching has taken place in the workshop, and the curiosities of the day are rarely accompanied by a product sheet," explains the man who is now a partner. Each request - music box, automaton, aviation chronometer... - leads to the appropriation of new worlds. Each interview is a challenge to take up, even more so when the work dates back to the 16th century!"

Gilles Vassort, curious about the value of craftsmanship, discovered the EPV label on the Inma (Institut national des métiers d'art) website and applied online. After eight months of instruction, his expertise was recognized by his peers and the French government, first in 2011, then as a duo in 2016. Their working methods are scrutinized, as are their backgrounds and references. It's more than just a formality, but it's a distinction that makes them the only EPV-labeled watchmaking workshop in the entire Centre region. An asset in attracting and retaining a prestigious clientele, establishing their national reputation and securing annual sales of €100,000.


by Marine Anthony