General meeting of the regional association of living heritage companies in Occitania

This year, our AGM took place in the heart of the Occitan region, at the home of our member MISSEGLE.

The AGM began with a visit to the MISSEGLE workshops, followed by Pierre Olivier's talk on AI, and Jean-Aimé's presentation on the criteria for craft tax credits. And finally, Lore presented a summary of the work done by the ANEPV national commission on communication around the Label, its values, its DNA, and the benefits for consumers, customers and professionals. With the invaluable presence of our members from all departments! Thank you for your confidence, from Mme Bascoul, in charge of the Label at the regional prefecture, and also from Mr JM Camps (President of CMA Tarn) who also represented the Occitan regional chamber of trades. The event closed with a convivial lunch.