EPV diploma ceremony at the Prefecture of the Occitanie Region

On Friday April 5, in the presence of Luc Lesénécal, President of the Institut des Savoir-faire Français, and Marine Bonnefis, head of the EPV label, 22 companies were awarded the EPV diploma at the Toulouse prefecture.

These 22 Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Companies) bring the total to 91 for the region, and include the more than 1,000 companies that have been awarded the label and are undergoing renewal throughout mainland France and the French overseas territories.

These unique companies know how to reconcile innovation and tradition, know-how and creation, work and passion, heritage and future, local and international. Adaptability, responsiveness, passion for their craft: Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant are driven by shared values. Whatever their size, reputation or speciality, together they guard a treasure: France's manufacturing heritage. (text by Vieux Berger, one of the 22 re-labelled companies).